Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'M BACK....for the moment at least

So, I know that I say this everytime I update but I'm sorry I took so long to update. I'll give no excuses because I have none so lets just get to it, shall we?

Okay so in my last post I was talking about marijuana use and tattoos, well I have an update to offer on that front. Yesterday I went to see my rheumatologist and I can say with certainty that I made his monotonus day, rather interesting.

The appointment was going as it normally does, he took my blood pressure, asked if I needed any new prescriptions, and went over my lab results with me. They are normal just in case you were wondering, my lupus is undercontrol at the moment. Then I threw him for a loop, let me just say that this conversation went WAY better in my head than it did in real life.

I am sitting looking at the many medical posters on the wall and I blurt out, "WOULD IT BE SAFE TO GET A TATTOO?"

The doctor startles and whips his head around, wide eyed and says, "Umm..."

Cue the rambling, I start to relay the conversation I had with my mother on sunday. Telling him how my mother is all against it and how I tried unsuccessfully to win the argument that it would be fine and he is still looking at me like I have a third eye on my forehead. Finally he holds up his hands and I stop mid sentence and he chuckles, "Hold off on the tattoo until I take you off of Cellcept and make sure if you do get one to watch it closely because if it was to get infected, that would be really bad."

I nod and he continues to right notes in his little notepad and I blurt out, "What about weed?"

He chokes on his spit and coughs a bit and says, "Umm, just say no? I am not understanding the question?"

"Well I read online somewhere that this guy who has lupus says that marijuana is an immuno suppressant so it shouold work the same as a steriod does, so..." I say like he should automatically know all this information.

You know what he does next? There is a beat of silence, he blinks at me and starts to giggle and that grows into chuckles and then he starts in with this belly laugh/snort thing. It was the oddest thing and I am looking at him like, seriously? Is he really laughing in my face? I mean this goes on for like 3 minutes and his face is beet red and I just watch, amazed that this man is laughing at me. Then he looks at me and composes himself and says. "No, just no, firstly marijuana is still illegal in VA and even if it was I wouldnt prescribe medicinal marijuana to you. Secondly, even if that is true, you are still smoking and it would affect your liver. So no, I would not take you off of prednisone and put you on medicinal marijuana. Nice try though." Then he starts in with the chuckling. Stands up, wishes me a good summer and tells me he wants to see me in 4 months.

He was still laughing when I left his office!! The nerve!!

Thanks Dr. Bahadori....

So it looks like we have to go back to the drawing board Aunt Brenda. No trippy days in the cut for me in the near future!!

Also, Keisha if you are reading this, I am wanted to reiterate that I would be honored if you walked for me in the Lupus walk, if and only IF your doctor says its okay and you feel up to it.

No I am not offended in the least, lets take it a step at a time, yes?

Love, peace and hair grease...


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